Does physical or emotional stress result in poor eating habits or does having poor eating habits result in stress?

Learn how nutrient deficiencies can cause difficult stress related health conditions. Did you know that a person who doesn’t digest protein will often have anxiety?

Learn how to use the 38 Bach Flower Essences to remove stress and balance the emotions.

Let us help you untangle difficult stress situations by finding the root cause.

Flower Essences are vibrational tinctures that gently shift the user’s perspective. They are taken in liquid form or applied topically, and integrate effectively with other healing modalities.  These powerful tinctures help break harmful emotional habits and increase the user’s overall sense of well-being and purpose. The effects are subtle, yet profound and thorough.

By the end of this workshop, you will be well acquainted with the unique characteristics of each of the 38 Bach Essences. You will learn how to recognize the need for a particular essence based on conversation and observation. You will also learn how to turn a seemingly complex list of emotional complaints into a neat, tidy bottle of seven essences that will catalyze positive changes in both perspective and behavior. Class time will be spent honing these skills so you can smoothly transfer from the classroom to your home or office and get started helping people right away.

You will begin your weekend with Elaine Newkirk.  Her focus will be on the roots of nutrient deficiencies that create or feed stress.  Michelle Newkirk will then present the use of Bach Flower Essences to remove stress and balance the emotions to gently shift the user’s perspective.

In this two day seminar you will learn to:

  • Recognize nutrient deficiencies that present as emotional or stress scenarios
  • Recognize behavioral and physical signs of emotional imbalance
  • Find the roots of emotional stresses
  • Recognize the need for Bach essences through conversation and observation
  • Become familiar with unique aspects of each of the 38 flowers
  • Interview clients and recognize specific areas of emotional stress
  • Study emotional health as the missing link in healing stubborn physical issues
  • Use localized aches and pains as clues to find buried emotional imbalances
  • Choose an appropriate flower combination for any situation
  • Prepare various topical and internal applications using Flower Essences
  • Integrate Flower Essences with other healing therapies

To help you understand the topics better:

  • Case studies taken from actual experience will be reviewed
  • Students will participate in a clinical practice time with a group review of results
  • The weekend will end with a 1 hour opportunity for Q&A with both Elaine and Michelle.

Elaine combines 40 years of studying and 19 years of lecturing about natural health with 28 years as a nurse to deliver life changing pearls of wisdom. Her classes combine key concepts that have left a lasting impression on her students for years, with solid science that changes lives.  Elaine is widely known for taking complex, hard to understand topics and delivering them in a way that is easy to understand and remember.  Her passion for sharing her knowledge is immediately recognized from her hello.

Michelle, comes from a medical background with 17 diverse years in nursing. She has been seeing clients from her office in Rochester, NY since 2001 for Bach Flower Therapy and Nutrition Counseling. She has a wealth of real-life experience to share and has studied Bach Therapy with the International Bach Education Program, Certified Natural Health Professionals, and Flower Essence Services. She is a passionate and knowledgeable guide to have as you explore this unique healing system. She is determined to send you home with a solid practical working knowledge of Bach Flower Therapy!

You will leave this class with a working knowledge of Flower Essence Therapy that will change the way you interact with the world around you.

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